January 31, 2018 Okay, I’m not going to lie. This transition is really tough. My little girl used to be pleasant and easy, and then a few weeks ago something shifted, invisibly and without warning. She quit going to sleep so easily. She doesn’t want to take naps anymore, and going to bed at night started taking forever. Notice I haven’t posted anything lately? That’s because naps are gone. This blog may die before it even gets off the ground! For moms with kids who are approaching this stage, I guess you’ll know it when it happens. When your child spends an hour singing out, “Mo-om, I’m awake…” or “I’m done with my nap,” before they even go to sleep, you’ll know. My oldest kept napping until he turned 4, then his brother quit napping right around 3. I felt like I’d been robbed of an entire year of naps with that one. But kids are different and you get what you get. Here are some ideas that have helped: 1. Monster juice. When
These notes are for my younger sisters, neighbors and friends. Thanks for visiting!